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Important Announcement

NPL Ratio for Domestic Banks as of the End of July 2022

   The Financial Supervisory Commission (the FSC) has released that total outstanding loans extended by the current 39 domestic banks increased by NT$225.6billion (US$7.54billion) as compared to the figure of previous month and amounted to NT$35.64trillion (US$1,190.5billion) at the end of July 2022. Meanwhile, the NPLs of these banks totaled at NT$56.72billion (US$1.89billion) which increased by NT0.4$billion (US$0.01billion) from NT$56.32billion (US$1.88billion) as of the end of the previous month.
   The average NPL ratio of the 39 banks remained at 0.16% compared to previous month, but was down by 0.05 percentage points compared to the same month last year. The coverage ratio of allowances for NPLs stood at 839.71%. While the ratio slightly increased by 9.97percentage points from 829.74% of the previous month, it still remained stable at a higher level. The asset quality of domestic banks continuously remained manageable according to the above figures as of the end of July 2022. The FSC will request banks to undertake measures to improve asset quality and financial structure on an ongoing basis.
    Note: US$≒NT$29.938
     Related files:「NPL ratio-2022.07」、「Coverage ratio-2022.07」、「Assets quality analysis-2022.07」、「Assets Quality of Domestic Banks(by business unit)-2022.07」and「Financial Statistics of Foreign-Owned Subsidiary Banks-2022.07」
Contact: Banking Bureau, Domestic Banks Division
Tel: +886 (2) 8968-9675
If you have any questions, please send an email to FSCmail


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Visitor: 1418   Update: 2022-09-08