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Anti-Money Laundering

Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) 

1.Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Forty Recommendations, Methodology and Guidance

2.Financial Supervisory Commission Strategy Map for Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing

3. AML/CFT Regulatory Regime of Taiwan 

  (1) Laws

  (2) Regulations

       Related Regulations

  (3) AML/CFT related Regulations and Guidances for OBU Sector

Rules Governing Offshore Banking Branches

Frequently Asked Questions on “Rules Governing Offshore Banking Branches”

Self-Regulatory Rules for Offshore Banking Units Accepting Account Opening by Offshore Customers and Investing in Trust Products on Behalf of Offshore Customers

Collection of registration enquiry websites of overseas registration authority or registered agent

Suggested Best Practices for Bank’s Controls over Tax-related Money Laundering Risks

OBU needs to be compliant with "all" AML/CFT laws and regulations since 1997

  (4) Self-regulatory Rules

     A.Financial Holdings



     C. Trust Enterprises
     D. Bills Houses
     E. Electronic Payment Institutions

4. Resources & Links 

5. FAQ



Visitor: 27565   Update: 2023-10-02